Sticky      8oz

Humboldt Sticky is a premium sticking and wetting agent which has been extensively tested in Northern California with phenomenal results, and is formulated using premium ingredients which are simply unavailable in similar products.

With Humboldt Sticky, your foliar sprays are fully utilized by the plant, eliminating waste or overfeeding. By equally distributing the heavier elements of your foliar spray (micronutrients, trace elements, etc.) throughout the solution, your favorite plants receive more complete, healthy and useful nutrition.

High performance nutrients are expensive and no one likes to see them go to waste. The state of the art binding agents present in Humboldt Sticky create a microscopic bond between your plant's leaves and your nutrient solution, using all-natural biochemical processes which do not damage plant tissue, nor induce plant stress.



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Sticky 8oz

  • $11.54

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