Measurement Conversion
Here are some helpful conversion charts to make sure your measurements are correct. This is often an overlooked area in growing hydroponically or organically. Guessing measurements can cause problems in your plants life cycle. Plants are like people, too much of one thing this is not necessarily good, and not enough of something can cause health problems. Use these helpful measurements with our feed schedules to help you accurately feed your plants.
One Gallon Converts To:
4 quarts - 128 ounces - 768 tsp - 8 pints - 3.785 liters - 8.34 lbs
16 cups - 256 tbsp - 231 cu. in.
One Cup Converts To:
8 ounces - 48 tsp - 0.23 liter - 1/2 pint - 236 ml - 14.4
16 tbsp - 0.52 lbs - 236 gram
One Tablespoon Converts To:
1/2 ounce - 3 tsp - 15 grams - 15 ml - 180 drops - 0.663 cup
One Litre Converts To:
1000 ml - 4.328 cups - 202.88 tsp - 2.164 pints - 67.63 tbsp - 0.264 gal
1000 grams - 2.22 lbs - 1.057 quarts
Miscellaneous Conversions:
3 tsp = 1 Tbsp - 2 cups = 1 Pint - 1 ml = 1/5 tsp - 2 Tbsp = 1 Liquid Once
2 Pints = 1 Quart (32 oz) - 5 ml = 1 tsp - 16 Tbsp = 1 Cup - 4 quarts = 1 Gal (128 oz)
15 ml = 1 Tbsp - 30 ml = 1 Liquid Oz - 240 ml = 1 Cup - 3840 ml = 1 Gal